Draft Harold Reid Reserve Action Plan 2022-2027

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Project Update

Thank you to those who participated in the consultation of the Draft Harold Reid Reserve Action Plan 2022-2027 (RAP). Following Council's November meeting, the RAP was adopted. We thank you for your participation.

Harold Reid Reserve is named after Harold James Reid, local resident and former Willoughby Council Town Clerk.

The reserve consists of 42 hectares of bushland with large areas of intact remnant vegetation located on the shores of Sugarloaf Bay in Middle Cove. It contains diverse plant communities home to a wide variety of wildlife species.

It is Willoughby’s second largest bushland reserve and connects with the largest, North Arm Reserve forming a continuous habitat link to the north and also to the south with the Castlecrag Northern Escarpment.

Between 25 August and 22 September 2022 feedback was sought on the draft Harold Reid Reserve Action Plan 2022-2027

The Action Plan included the following projects:

  • A continuation of bush regeneration contractor works in the reserve
  • A continuation of Council's Bush Regeneration Team in removing weeds and carrying out track maintenance.
  • Conduct post-fire vegetation surveys in the northern area of the reserve that was burnt in 2021.

During the five-year period since the current Reserve Action Action Plan was last updated in 2017, the following achievements have been made:

  • A prescribed burn was completed in April 2021 on the northern side of the reserve.
  • Three vegetation plots have been established in the burn area to conducted vegetation surveys to measure ecological success of the site. Initial pre and post-fire vegetation surveys have been completed.
  • Both the Rembrandt Drives and The Quarterdeck Bushcare Groups have expanded their work areas. The Rembrandt Drive group now work in the reserve adjacent to 42 North Arm Road, 37 and 39 Rembrandt Drive. The Quarterdeck group now work in the reserve behind from 9, 11 13, 15 The Quarterdeck and 17 North Arm Road.

You may be interested viewing the previous Have Your Say consultation on this Reserve Action Plan. To view it, please click the link below:


Project Update

Thank you to those who participated in the consultation of the Draft Harold Reid Reserve Action Plan 2022-2027 (RAP). Following Council's November meeting, the RAP was adopted. We thank you for your participation.

Harold Reid Reserve is named after Harold James Reid, local resident and former Willoughby Council Town Clerk.

The reserve consists of 42 hectares of bushland with large areas of intact remnant vegetation located on the shores of Sugarloaf Bay in Middle Cove. It contains diverse plant communities home to a wide variety of wildlife species.

It is Willoughby’s second largest bushland reserve and connects with the largest, North Arm Reserve forming a continuous habitat link to the north and also to the south with the Castlecrag Northern Escarpment.

Between 25 August and 22 September 2022 feedback was sought on the draft Harold Reid Reserve Action Plan 2022-2027

The Action Plan included the following projects:

  • A continuation of bush regeneration contractor works in the reserve
  • A continuation of Council's Bush Regeneration Team in removing weeds and carrying out track maintenance.
  • Conduct post-fire vegetation surveys in the northern area of the reserve that was burnt in 2021.

During the five-year period since the current Reserve Action Action Plan was last updated in 2017, the following achievements have been made:

  • A prescribed burn was completed in April 2021 on the northern side of the reserve.
  • Three vegetation plots have been established in the burn area to conducted vegetation surveys to measure ecological success of the site. Initial pre and post-fire vegetation surveys have been completed.
  • Both the Rembrandt Drives and The Quarterdeck Bushcare Groups have expanded their work areas. The Rembrandt Drive group now work in the reserve adjacent to 42 North Arm Road, 37 and 39 Rembrandt Drive. The Quarterdeck group now work in the reserve behind from 9, 11 13, 15 The Quarterdeck and 17 North Arm Road.

You may be interested viewing the previous Have Your Say consultation on this Reserve Action Plan. To view it, please click the link below:
