Why does Council need a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan?

    Under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014 Council is required to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan. 

    It is important that the plan is developed in consultation with the whole community and in particular people with disability to guide the decisions about Council services and facilities being inclusive and accessible for everyone.

    The Willoughby City Council is committed to developing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) for the shire as a way to engage Council and people with a disability, the wider community, service providers, and the private sector in planning for the needs of the whole community.

    Who is the plan for?

    Access and inclusion is important for everyone in the community not just people with disability. People who are ageing, families with prams, people who have a temporary injury in fact the whole community benefits from easy access and being fully included.

    What will the plan do?

    The Plan will identify what Council needs to do to help people with disability feel and be more included in the community, and be able to access the same services, facilities, activities and opportunities as everybody else.

    Who is responsible for the plan?

    The plan will involve all areas of Council.

    How can I get involved and provide my comments and feedback?

    Council looks forward to working with the community on this important project.

    There are a number of ways in which you can provide comments and feedback.

    Completing the online submission form between Thursday 16 March and Wednesday 12 April 2017.

    Attending a drop in session at The Dougherty Community Centre 

    Staff will be available to talk to you about the plan and take your feedback

    • Tuesday 28 March, 10am -12pm at Dougherty Community Centre - 7 Victor St, Chatswood
    • Thursday 6 April, 6pm -7pm at Dougherty Community Centre - 7 Victor St, Chatswood

    Contacting Council's Dougherty Centre Team Leader, Louise Geaghan on 9777 7801 and scheduling a telephone survey or email louise.geaghan@willoughby.nsw.gov.au

    Please contact Louise if you require any assertive technology or Australian Sign Language (Auslan) interpretation during these information sessions.

    When will the plan be finished and implemented?

    The draft plan will be on public exhibition for review and further comments in from 16 March to 12 April 2017 before being presented to Council to be adopted on 22 May 2017.

    The Disability Inclusion Action Plan implementation will commence from 1 July 2017 and be progressively continued over the next four years until June 2021.

    How will Council fund projects or improvements identified as part of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021?

    The Plan will cover a four year period and will include short, medium and long term approaches to improving the shire for people with a disability. Some of the actions identified will have cost implications and others; for example, improving information available to people with a disability will have minimal costs.

    Actions with cost implications will be considered as part of Council’s regular budget allocation and review process and progressed as resources allow.