Willoughby Leisure Centre Upgrade

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Construction work is now underway to upgrade the Willoughby Leisure Centre to create a modern, best in breed new aquatic and recreation facility.

During this upgrade, which will run until 2025, the centre's:
- School holiday program and gym will continue to operate
- Indoor courts will predominantly remain open, but may need to close for some period during construction; and
- Pool hall and creche will remain closed

This page has been created to let people know about the improvements, along with news on any impacts on key users during the construction process.

Construction work is now underway to upgrade the Willoughby Leisure Centre to create a modern, best in breed new aquatic and recreation facility.

During this upgrade, which will run until 2025, the centre's:
- School holiday program and gym will continue to operate
- Indoor courts will predominantly remain open, but may need to close for some period during construction; and
- Pool hall and creche will remain closed

This page has been created to let people know about the improvements, along with news on any impacts on key users during the construction process.

  • July Update

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    In July, the project advanced significantly in several areas. The shells for both the 25-meter pool and the program pool were completed. Additionally, the preparation of the spa area was completed. The Learn to Swim pool and the splash pad were also formed, with the necessary formwork and framing erected to support and shape the anticipated concrete pour. It is expected that all the remaining concrete pools shells will be complete next month.

  • June Update

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    In June, the project made progress in a number of areas. Considerable progress was made when concrete was poured for the 25-meter pool's southern base and northern walls. Similar to this, the program pool achieved a significant milestone when the base and northern walls were filled with concrete. In the Learn to Swim pool, formwork and framing were erected to support and shape the concrete pour. In the same way, the concrete placement for the spa area was finished.
    Picture illustrates the project rising from the base.

  • May Update

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    Despite two weeks of rain in early May, significant progress has been made. The 25m pool's concrete base and northern walls are complete. The Program Pool has concrete on the northern half of the base, steel reinforcement on the southern end, and northern walls ready for concrete. The Learn to Swim pool's balance tank is ready for wall installation, and the Children’s splashpad pool has its distinctive 'bean' shape walls ready. In the coming month, more concrete will be poured, further defining the pools' shapes.

  • April update

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    Throughout April, the new swimming pools continued to take shape, with formwork underway for the program pool, Learn to Swim and children’s leisure pool, and the southern half of the 25 metre pool. The entire site now has a capping layer, an important element of the asbestos management of the site.

  • March update.

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    Construction work on the site is progressing, with the concrete pour for the northern half of the 25m pool and spa completed on 21 March. Preparations are underway for the concrete structures for the program pool and southern end of the 25m pool. Excavation for the Learn to Swim pool is also underway. Work on the plant room at the Southern part of the site is also progressing with the pouring of a concrete slab and framework installation for walls and columns.

  • February Update

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    During February an exciting milestone was reached with the pouring of the slab for the plant room. Work has now begun on constructing the structural wall that will separate the plant room from the 25m pool and program pool at the lower ground floor level. About two thirds of the site now has a concrete capping layer, an important element of the asbestos management of the site. Installing this capping layer has enabled site contractors to work on those parts of the site in a much more efficient manner. Bulk and detailed excavation is underway on the Learn to Swim and Leisure pools, in the Small Street end of the site and around the perimeter retaining walls on the Flat Rock Gully Road side of the site.

  • Timelapse Video - September 2023 - January 2024

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  • January Update

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    After a break over Christmas and New Year, work has resumed on the construction site. The construction of the 25-meter pool is ongoing, with holding tanks installed in the foundations. The plant room, which houses the equipment to run the pool, is now beginning to take shape. The installation of concrete beams on the eastern side of the site has been completed, along with concrete frame supports for the southern platform. This marks an important step before the construction of the building commences.

  • December Update

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    During December, the capping beam for the retaining wall progressed and is now two-thirds complete. In addition, the sewer trenching on the lower ground floor was installed. Excavation is now underway for the 25m pool. Work has been progressing on the lower plantroom, which has been covered in orange geo-tech fabric for the shutdown period.

    The construction site will be shut down over the Christmas break. Work will re-start on 8 January. Dust mitigation measures will continue over the shutdown, with ground sprinklers/mister hoses running every two hours.

  • December Update

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    Site interruptions have pushed back the Willoughby Leisure Centre Pool hall upgrade. A revised timeline will be presented to the community in February 2024. We understand this news is disappointing for members, guests and residents.

    The health club, group fitness and sports hall will continue to operate and our team members look forward to welcoming you at your next visit.

    For more information refer to the frequently asked questions and copy of the December Council report on the right-hand side of this page.

    We value your ongoing support.

Page last updated: 25 Jul 2024, 04:08 PM